“The moniker ‘Switzerland of Alaska’ couldn’t be more appropriate for Valdez—the lush green snow-capped Chugach mountains and shimmering water do bring Europe to mind.  But Valdez boasts even more:  a mix of tidewater glaciers, rain forests, and mountains situated at the head of a deep, stillwater fjord on Prince William Sound.  As one of the original routes to the interior of the country, the town is steeped in history.”  The original town was destroyed in the 1964 earthquake.


Things to do in Valdez include:


Cruising through the quiet fjords and glaciers surrounding Valdez, with a view of humpback whales, sea lions, puffins, sea otters and eagles.


Kayaking on the glassy surface of the Prince William Sound, with mountains and calving glaciers in the background, and with an eye out for seals and sea otters.  Take either a guided tour or go solo on a rental boat.


Fishing for salmon or halibut.  The salmon runs are colossal, with pinks and silvers returning in the millions.  And the halibut can weigh 150 pounds or more coming out of the flat waters.


Logistics:  Valdez (PAVD) has a paved runway and is a short flight for Cirrus pilots from the Kenai Peinsula or Anchorage.  It is one of the waypoints in the Kenai Peninsula flightseeing tour.





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